08-09 серпня 2024 року


Evaluation of engineering measures of infection control: ventilation and ultraviolet bactericidal radiation. Working with instruments

training programme

Event theme: Evaluation of engineering measures of infection control: ventilation and ultraviolet bactericidal radiation. Working with instruments.

Type of event: training on mastering practical skills.

Location of the training: 150 Sobranetska St., Uzhhorod, Transcarpathian region, Apartel Uzhhorod Hotel.

The training is part of the project ‘Supporting TB Control Efforts in Ukraine’.

Target audience:

  • Epidemiology;
  • Medical and preventive care;
  • Organisation and management of healthcare;
  • Laboratory research of environmental factors;
  • Municipal hygiene;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Sanitary and hygienic studies;
  • Nursing.


Purpose of the event: Proper implementation and monitoring of infection control engineering measures in healthcare facilities under the Support to Fight Tuberculosis in Ukraine Project.

List of competences to be acquired or improved (learning outcomes):

  • knowledge of general approaches to the implementation of engineering measures for infection control (ventilation and UVB radiation) in healthcare facilities in accordance with the requirements of the law;
  • development of design documentation for ventilation systems;
  • ability to work with ventilation documentation;
  • Developing skills in working with the instruments required to assess ventilation and UVB radiation;
  • Developing practical skills in assessing ventilation systems and UVB radiation.


Description of the event structure:

The format of the event: offline.

Duration of the event: two training days.

The structure of the event: the theoretical part is presented in the form of reports/presentations by trainers, demonstration of skills; the practical part will include the participants' practice of working with instruments, assessment of ventilation and UVB radiation at a healthcare facility.

  • 8 hours of lecture
  • 4 h 40 min practical work
  • 1 hour 30 minutes knowledge assessment


The total amount of study load: 14 год 10 хв

Forms of organising and holding the event: Implementation of the planned programme, use of active learning methods, involvement of participants in discussions and practical exercises, evaluation of the results achieved (testing, surveys).

Methods of organising and conducting the event: Lectures and presentations, discussions and debates, practical exercises, skills training, demonstrations and examples.

Logistical support for the educational event: Multimedia equipment and flip charts are used to demonstrate presentations. The following equipment is used for the practical part of the course:

  • various types of ultraviolet bactericidal irradiators and UV radiometer, protective shields;
  • ventilation system of the conference hall and the designated facility, thermoanemometer, vanemometer, smoke generator, laser rangefinder;
  • schemes and passports of ventilation systems.


Forms of final control: Solving 20 test tasks that cover the entire scope of the event material with one correct answer. To successfully pass the control assessment and receive the relevant certificate, the trainee physician must correctly answer at least 70% of the test tasks.